Upload consistency was broken this week, but that doesn't theres no progress...XD

* A new kind of content that I'll be uploading more often on the channel was published this week.

I'll be doing more Animation Timelapse in the future so make sure to SUBSCRIBE!

* Also, I failed to create another video because procrastination(playing WarFrame..hehe), baby sitting and the Channel Frederator Network is alive again!

It turns out that the months of seemingly having a hiatus from the Network was actually caused by a amerge between the Frederator Network and Rainmaker entertainment. Now that they're back they actually have a lot in store for us partners and also the postponed Pokemon Collab was finally resumed. I took another part on it by taking on another Pokemon. I already did Meowth and now I'm going to animate Persian.

But unlike Meowth, I won't be doing it in 3D. Because the deadline is really close and I don't really want to put too much time on it since because of it I have to delay the 9 animation....again. hehe. ANYWAYS! I experimented on 2D animation within Blender and the results are very satisfying. Just check out the video below. XD


* I am gonna finish the Persian animation and also try to create the TutLapse video on how I did it.

* After that, I will be finishing the 9 animation. It PROBABLY won't be a Halloween special anymore....probably. XD Just keep an eye out for it because I'm really gonna put some time working on it and make it a production quality animation...Hehe (gulp)


Over and Out.

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